If you are a person who already or wants to travel the world you might be wondering if there are any apps for your Android phone that will help give you guidance. Everyone knows that there are many apps for the Apple products including the iPhone but the Android is often forgot about or neglected when it comes to that sort of thinking. The good news is that there are many different apps for the Android that will help anyone with an Android phone travel the world with ease.
Help You To Pack And Organize
Your list of to do items will continue to grow until you are on your way to your destination. Therefore it is easy to forget to pack something or forget to do something before you leave home. The one thing that is always recommended to do before you begin packing and organizing is to make a list of items to pack and a list of things to do. The app known as TripIt Travel Organizer will help you get this completed much easier. This app will help you to create your lists for packing as well as organizing. It will also give you the option of forwarding an email, which includes your flight information or your hotel information into the app so that you have it all in one place and you will not take the chance of leaving it at home.
Translation Is Always A Problem
If you are traveling to a foreign country you might find that the language barrier might be an issue and having a translator or even something that would help you to translate things would be much easier. Believe it or not there are also apps that will help you with this as well. Two of the most cool apps for this are called Google Translate and Word Lens. These apps will help you to translate almost anything that you need to have translated and will help you get through the language barrier without a problem.

If you are planning to make a travel app for global audience then you must know the difference between translation and transliteration in app development.
Converting Currency
When traveling out of the country another problem that always comes up is the ability to convert currency. There is an app that will help you to convert what you need to and that is called XE Currency. This app will help you to convert global currencies without a problem. This will help you to avoid the issue of overpaying or underpaying and being embarrassed.
Contacting Your Family At Home
When you are traveling you might suddenly feel the need to contact your family or friends back home. Unfortunately telephone calls that are made internationally can be very expensive and if you do not have an international calling plan it might be impossible to call from your mobile telephone. However there are apps such as Skype and WhatsApp that will give you the option of calling home as well as even having a video call that will make you feel like you are back in touch with the people at home that you miss.
Airline Flights Made Easy
When it comes the time to return from your trip and go home you might need a flight app. There are many of these that will help you to search and purchase your airline tickets and will also help to get you the best prices available at that time. For this reason one of the best apps to have is known as Cheapoair or even one of the larger companies known as Expedia.
Traveling the world can take lots of preparation as well as patience. However if you have one of the apps listed above you will find that the process of traveling can be made much simpler and you will have less to worry about.