What You Need To Know About Facebook’s 10-year Plan



Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the popular social networking platform known as Facebook has just confidently announced that he has a 10-year plan for Facebook. There are certainly some exciting new changes that will be going on for the site over the next few years and Zuckerberg has just instilled confidence in users worldwide with the plans he has announced. These changes are sure to bring Facebook to the forefront of cutting technology, making the most of the constantly advancing devices that are readily available on the market.

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Facebook Statuses That Need To Go Away

facebook status

facebook statusPeople who connect with family and friends through a social media site such as Facebook do so to keep up with what is going on in his or her life.  However we have all seen the daily posts from those people that we just want to delete and “unfriend” that person.  Here are some of the Facebook statuses that should no longer be allowed and should just go away.

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