With every update for new smartphones they get smarter and smarter. It seems that soon the smartphones will not need humans to operate them. They will be able to do everything by themselves without anyone pushing any of the buttons. Almost all of the cell phone creators are competing to have the best cell phone of them all and this is the same thing with the Galaxy S6. Read on to learn some of the new rumors that involve the new Galaxy S6.
The Design Of The Galaxy S6
If you are expecting the new S6 to look the same you are mistaken. This new phone will look completely different from any of the phones before it. Some people believe that this phone will take on more of a look like the iPhone but others believe that it will look more like the Galaxy Alpha. The one thing that everyone can agree on is that the material of this phone will definitely be metal instead of plastic. Having a metal phone will make it feel more expensive and give it a more powerful look. It is also being reported that the S6 will have a unibody design. What this means is that the back of the phone will not be removable and the battery cannot be taken out. This is something that other phone makers have decided was not a good idea and abandoned it. For some people the most important thing to them is the size of the telephone. Many people do not like the bigger phones such as the iPhone 6 Plus. The good news is that the S6 will be staying with the same size of 5.1 inch. The size is not going to change.
The S6 Edge
Another new feature of the Galaxy S6 is the S6 Edge. The images of this phone show that it has a strange curve to it. If you look at the S6 Edge from a distance it will look the same as the S6 however the design of the phone is completely different. If you want to compare it to something the closest thing would be the nylon version of the Motorola’s Droid Turbo. Others are saying that this will be a smaller version of the Note 4 Edge but others sources are saying that this phone will be curved on both sides. I guess we will both have to wait and see what happens with this design. The display on this phone will also be a 5.1 inch screen but will include a back camera with twenty megapixels and a front camera with five megapixels.

The Software
As we all know Samsung phones run on the Android system and many people believe that this system is not a good one when compared to others such as the IOS. What most people want to hear is that this system has been updated. These new Samsung phones will include the new Android Lollipop 5.0.2 system. When compared to the older KitKat version you will be able to notice many differences and you should be much happier with the new system.
What Is The Cost And When Will It Be Available
The new S6 is supposed to be announced at the Mobile World Congress on March 1 so it will probably be released in April or even May. The cost of the phone will probably be around $200 as long as you sign a contract but could possibly be a higher cost depending on the carrier.
Image credits to : Jonathan Millois