How many times have you gone to the telephone store to purchase a new mobile telephone only to turn around and have to spend even more money on a device specific charger? This seems to be a pattern that repeats itself every year. It is now time to stop wasting your money year after year. Read on to learn more about why you should switch to a universal charger.
Making The Switch to A Universal Charger
Most of us are very familiar with the gadgets of the mobile world. We are also very well versed in the thoughts that if you purchase a new mobile phone you must also purchase a new car charger to go with it. This is not only true for your phone but any mobile device as well such as tablets, video gaming systems, or anything else which contains a portable rechargeable battery.
Over the past few years there has been the mindset of switching all portable devices over to the micro USB charger. This will not only save you money through out the long run because you will not have to purchase a new charger with every new device but it can also serve as the only charger for many of your devices. Of course you might still have certain products that will require a different charger than your other items. Such as the old Apple 30 pin charger or even the new Apple lightening charger. Due to the fact that there are still going to be several different chargers that you will probably need an adapter for. You will need a charger that will allow for you to use many different types of plugs. These are available so do not get discouraged. The solution can lead to a big clutterly mess and can also get to be a little costly when you stop and add up the cost of each adapter. Eventually you will have adapters that will end up being thrown away and this is a waste as well.

The solution to this problem is to switch to a universal USB car charger. However before you rush out and purchase one of these chargers it is important to know what you need to look for in a charger of this type.
Universal USB Car Charger- What You Need
When you set out to purchase a universal USB charger you will learn that there are many of these chargers on the market. You can find them in the big box stores, Amazon, EBay or even at the smaller store, which specialize in mobile device equipment. Having so many choices can make the decision of purchasing a charger very difficult and challenging.
One of the first things you will want to be sure of is that your charger has a high amount of amps. The charger in your car is more than capable of charging your portable device so you should purchase a charger that is just as capable. Due to the fact that many have the larger and more modern smartphones and tablets require you to have a USB car charger that has the capability to charge it. You should purchase a device that can provide a service of at least 2.1 amps per USB port. This is easy to figure out. You simply divide the number of listed amps on the device by the number of ports.
Another thing you need to consider when looking at purchasing a USB car charger is having multiple ports. There is absolutely no reason at all to purchase a single port USB car charger. You should make a purchase of a USB car charger with multiple ports. Even if you only have one device that needs charged you never know when you may have a friend that will be riding along with you and will also need to charge their device.
When you make the decision to purchase a universal USB charger you should be sure to read the reviews. The reviews from other users can lead you to purchase a charger that will work perfectly for your needs. You will find one that will fit the needs you have for number of amps and number of ports. It is easy to fall in love with your charger when you find that you do not need to keep buying a new one every time you get a new device. The universal USB chargers are now the perfect way to go.
Image credits to : mobilemars