If you are looking to get a new iPhone but you do not have the extra cash lying around to purchase a brand new one you might be considering purchasing a new one. This is a great idea and an awesome way to save some money but there are several things that you should be aware of and check out before you purchase the used iPhone either from an individual or a business that sells used phones. Continue reading below to learn more.
Google Apps Are Perfect For Businesses
If you run your own business you might already know about Google Apps. However if you run your own business and you do not know about it you need to. Google Apps have been around for quite a while but has just recently started to grow in popularity. In fact Google has been reporting on and using the Cloud for well over ten years now even though most companies have just started using their own clouds in the recent years. There is much to learn about Google Apps and you can do that by simply reading on.
Using Facebook For Business Purposes
In today’s world of advanced technology you will find that many businesses are turning to social media sites to market their companies. The goal to using social media for you business is not to have your business be located everywhere but to have a presence online that will reach out to your customers. Contrary to popular belief Facebook is not just for personal use anymore. It is much more than that. Companies are starting to use Facebook more and more often as a creative way to get their image out there, to increase the traffic to the business website and even to announce any new products or services as well as many other things that can be done on Facebook.
Samsung Pay Vs. Apple Pay
Several months ago Apple revealed a new payment system call Apple Pay now Samsung has recently announced their own version of this system called Samsung Pay. These two systems work very similar but there is one large difference between the two. Samsung Pay uses LoopPay technology which allows the Samsung phones to work at magstrip readers. A magstrip reader are the credit card readers found at most retailers in the United States. Apple does not use this technology. When using Apple’s mobile payment system a near field communication (NFC) is required for transaction. This leaves the question of which of the payment systems are more secure. Read on to learn more regarding the Samsung system and then you can judge for yourself.
How To Secure Windows Network
When you are learning the ins and outs of a Windows network you will find that there is a lot to learn. There are many things to learn about how to keep your folders secure when sharing, how to have a secure password, how to use WiFi correctly to be sure your VPN connections are secure and many more other items. By reading below you will find out the best methods to keep your computer and your files safe.