Are you one of the many Facebook users that is frustrated with the different things that Facebook will and will not allow for you to do? If you are there is good news for you. Facebook is going to allow you to have more control over your newsfeed in your Facebook application. You will be able to tweak the news feed to make it how you want to see things not how other people think you should see it.
The Facebook Settings
The enormous social media network known as Facebook has recently unveiled a new menu for its settings. This menu will allow for customization features for the news feed within the Facebook application. These customization features will allow the user to make their Facebook experience more personal and user friendly to them.
The News Feed Settings Menu
Most of the changes that Facebook has recently made have been within the Facebook news feed settings menu. This menu appears on all of the Facebook applications for the mobile devices as well as on the actual website page. This setting controls the display of which friends will appear the most within your news feed and will also give you the opportunity to select friends to unfollow.

Unfollowing Your Friends
From the setting menu Facebook gives you several options when it comes to the friends that you are following. It will also give you the option to unfollow friends that you no longer wish to see within your news feed. You can also select to re-follow them from this very same setting menu. Facebook calls this reconnecting. If you have previously hidden them from your feed but would like to unhide them you can select to do so from here. Face it we all have friends that are posting all of the time and we simply do not care about every move they are making at every minute of the day. This will help to give us the choice of what we want to see and when.
The new way to see the news feed will also give you the option of giving feedback regarding the types of posts that you do and you do not wish to see. Unlike in the past you will no longer have to make the tough decision to stop following someone all together. Instead you will now have the option of seeing smaller amount of stories from some one that you have become friends with on Facebook or even a page that you have decided to follow.
The Reason Behind The Changes
There are many different reasons behind the changes that Facebook is making. However the largest of these reasons is that Facebook wants to make the news feeds of the users more relevant to what will interest him or her. Without listening to what the users want there will be lost communication and loyalty and many people will lose interest and move on to other things. An example of this is that any person on any given day can have around one thousand five hundred different stories that can show up in a person’s news feed. The interesting fact is that most will only see about one hundred and fifty of those news stories. The reasoning behind this is that the news feed is taking into account previous actions that you may or may not have completed such as liking photos or even clicking on certain links.
Not only will these new menu settings become available within a few days you will find that other features that will allow for more customization will be rolled out within the coming weeks. The world is always changing therefore it is necessary that Facebook changes along with it.
Image credits to Ernir Eyjólfsson