Erasing Yourself From The Internet

The world of the Internet is growing every day.  The art of technology is allowing for all of your personal data to be put onto the Internet and tracked in many different ways. The companies that are now online and working through the Internet have various ways to find out information on you. This information will include your name, address, telephone number as well as bank account information and how much money you make annually. The way companies can track you can be scary and the most important thing you can do for yourself is to erase yourself from the Internet altogether. This can be done and this article will help you figure out how to do just that however, it is important to mention that this is not an easy process and will require much time to complete.

Preparing Yourself

It is important for you to realize that you are going to have to be polite when working to make yourself disappear off of the Internet.  You will also need to learn patience while being polite.  This is not an easy task to accomplish and you might want to get something to take your frustrations out on.  To successfully remove data off of the Internet will require that you put your faith into other people and realize that things might not happen the first time around.

Track The Sites That Track You

When you are trying to delete yourself off of the Internet you will want to know what sites are tracking you.  This is where a service such as DeleteMe comes into play.  What this company can do is for a small dollar amount they will remove you from sites that use data tracking clearinghouses.  What these clearinghouses do is sell your information to other sites.  You can also start making phone calls, sending emails and letters yourself to companies that you know are tracking you.  However, this can be a very time-consuming task for you.

Protect Your Reputation

In order for search engines such as Google or Bing to remove your personal information, you must have the information removed from the original source.  The best way to accomplish this step is to erase your Facebook, Twitter, and other rising social media websites.  This can best be completed by asking the website manager at each of these sites to delete your information.  Once this has been done you will then see a difference in the results that show up on the search engines.

Cover Up The Bad With Good

When trying to complete this task you might run into a situation where the site will not remove the content that is affecting you.  This will probably happen and you need to be prepared for it.  In this case you can create new content that will cover up the negative information with positive information.  Social networking sites can help with this also.

Get An Attorney

In some cases, it might be necessary to hire an attorney.  This might be helpful if the information you find is defamatory.  In this case, seek out legal advice, gather evidence, be polite but firm when speaking and the help will come.  This happens more often than not and depending on what country you are in will depend on how much free advice you can get before having to pay the attorney for help.

By following the advice that is listed above you will find that you can remove some if not all of the information about you on the Internet.  However, it is not foolproof, and later on down the road, you might find that your information is still out there and you will have to complete these steps all over again.  By limiting your activity on social media you will lessen the information that people are able to get from you.