If you are looking to get a new iPhone but you do not have the extra cash lying around to purchase a brand new one you might be considering purchasing a new one. This is a great idea and an awesome way to save some money but there are several things that you should be aware of and check out before you purchase the used iPhone either from an individual or a business that sells used phones. Continue reading below to learn more.
Refund Options
Before you buying a used iphone you should be sure that the provider has a return policy that is a good one. You never know what will happen with the device once you purchase it. The best type of return policy is one that offers you a cash back option. Once you receive the phone you should inspect it for any damage on the outside and then turn it on to be sure that it works. If the phone stops working you need to be sure that you follow the return policy exactly how it instructs. Be sure to follow the time limits that you have been given to return the device for cash back or an exchange.
Be Picky About Your Phone Purchase
If you are new to the world of iPhones you might want to familiarize yourself with the options and features of the device. You need to be aware of everything that is available so you know what to look for when you set out to make your purchase. Even if you are not new to the iPhone world you will want to get to know the new options that are available. You need to educate yourself about the items that are currently on the market so you will know if you are getting a good deal when you buy your new/used iPhone.

Be Sure The Phone Is With The Appropriate Carrier
One thing that you will learn is that not every iPhone will work with every carrier. This in fact may be one of the most common reasons why an iPhone is returned back to the seller. Before you purchase an iPhone or any phone for that matter you need to be sure that it is compatible with the carrier that you use otherwise you will need to return the phone.
Be Sure You Can Verify The Phone’s ESN
Every cell phone including the iPhones are manufactured with an electronic serial number (ESN). When you purchase the phone you will need this number to activate the phone with the carrier. If a phone has been reported as it being lost or even stolen the customer will not be able to activate the phone when the carrier tries to turn on the service. One major thing you will need to be sure of is that the seller of the phone is willing to give you the ESN. If they tell you that they do not have it then it is best to move onto another phone. This could mean that it has been blacklisted and is not going to work at all.
When you are purchasing a used iPhone it is best to be an informed customer. You need to be careful and follow all of the tips listed below as well as any other tips that you may run across. If you do not you might find that the phone you purchase does not work or that it is stolen. However if you educate yourself you can find some pretty good deals when purchasing a used iPhone.