If you have noticed when you go for an internet connection, the provider gives you a range that is very impressive, and that bit is what overshadows and keeps you from noticing the very subtly placed “up to” preceding it. This “up to” is usually taken up by people as being the actual consistent speed but its not, it is the highest range to which the service provider can give you the speed, most of the time the speed that you get is much slower than this.
In this particular article, we are going to see how the speed that you get and the speed that lured you in the first place are two very different things. We will also cover how you can determine that whether you are getting speed for which you paid.
There is an ample amount of data to support the fact that it is the actual speed; at large people do not receive the internet speed via their broadband that they pay for at the time of installment. If you want to check the same all you have to do is run a test that will check the speed of your internet, once you have the result you can compare it with what was advertised to you, there is a high probability of finding that your actual speed is much slower than the advertised one.

There is even a site that gives you a general idea between the differences in actual and advertised speeds in the United States, and it is a government-regulated site and all the data is authentic and gives a fair comparison between the two. The map at display clearly shows that people who are getting slower speeds than what was advertised are all over the area, but those who are getting the speeds they were promised or better speeds are very few.
You must be wondering why that is the people get less speed than what is advertised, well some of you may have guessed that it is just one of those marketing tricks to blindside you, but no that is not all. There are other factors as well. There are times when your Wi-Fi connection is hindered by something or its configuration is not proper then you may not receive the speed that you signed up for, and it will not be exactly the doing of the provider. Many of you may not know this that the longer the distance between the hardware of the provider and your device the weaker the service will be. That is the reason the speed is better in the city. It is observed that people use internet more during 6 pm to 12 am and hence due to the traffic during this window the speed slows down considerably. Also, you may have an unlimited package but there is a hidden limit to it after which when you use the internet the speed slows down. Your service provider no doubt is responsible for your speed, but there are additional factors like which server are you downloading from, the intermediary routers are of importance too.
These are some factors of a long list that can result in a slow speed of internet and one or many of them maybe the reason you are getting slow speed than what was advertised to you.
Hope you have enjoyed this piece of Newscitech.