If you use FedEx delivery services to deliver a parcel to another country, you will get a tracking code. You can use that code to monitor the progress of your package until it arrives at its destination.
If you ever sent an international parcel via FedEx and tried tracking it with the tracking ID, you may have seen the phrase that says “ International shipment release- import” or “Int’l shipment release-import”. It might have made you wonder what it means.
The term “International shipment release import” means that the package has been cleared by customs and the imported items have been released into the domestic market for further delivery progress.

Customs clearance is a must when a package is being delivered via air or sea. A package can clear customs when all the necessary paperwork and payment associated with it are completed. Once your parcel clears customs, it gets released and handed over to FedEx again. After that, FedEx takes responsibility for delivering it to its destination.
Apart from the term, International shipment release import, you can also see other terms when you track your parcel.

International Shipment Release – Export indicates that the package is out for international delivery from the sender’s country. Since most countries don’t impose strict regulations for exported items, FedEx tracking doesn’t display this status.
International Shipment Release – Import status is the same as the International Shipment Release that you usually see in the FedEx tracking status. In addition, if you see “in transit”, it means the package is at the final stage of the whole delivery process and it will get delivered soon.
How Does FedEx International Shipment Work?
FedEx international shipment works like any other courier service agency.
- The first process is to receive the parcel from the sender
- Next, the package gets delivered to the receiving country for customs clearance.
- Once it clears customs, it gets released to FedEx of the receiver country to deliver it to the destination address
FedEx will send you time-to-time notifications via email about the whereabouts of your package.
Frequently Asked Question
How long does FedEx International Shipment Release- Import take?
Once your product arrives in the country where you want it delivered, customs typically takes 3-5 business days to release it.