Is your WhatsApp group flooded with unnecessary messages? Then it’s time to get rid of it.
Undoubtedly WhatsApp has become an essential communication medium worldwide. It lets users chat, sharing photos, videos and voice messages with friends. The parent company Facebook always surprises its users by adding different features. One of them is the WhatsApp group.
Though there are various instant messaging services for group chat, WhatsApp group is preferable for its simplicity and easy access. This feature allows you to send a message to multiple friends without typing it repeatedly and start a conversation with everyone at the same time. Additionally, most people create WhatsApp groups for business purposes to communicate with customers.
However, no matter whether you use WhatsApp group for personal or professional cause, sometimes it gets nasty. The continuous group notification and too many unwanted messages are very annoying and distracted. So, are you thinking of deleting the group?
Then again, not all groups or messages are irrelevant. Some of them are still useful and you don’t want to miss any important updates. Hence, you can mute the group to stop the notification. But if it has become unreasonable, delete it.
Unfortunately, WhatsApp hasn’t given you the freedom yet to delete a group without exiting. As there is no delete option by default, you get confused about how to delete WhatsApp group.
Don’t worry. This article presents you all possible ways for deleting a WhatsApp group whether you’re an admin or member.
Why Do You Want To Delete WhatsApp Group?
Before proceeding, ask yourself what’s forcing you to delete the WhatsApp group. Or do you actually need to delete it?
As an admin, when you created the group at first for personal or professional reasons, it was thrilling. But soon, the reason fades away and the group either becomes silent or unpleasant. Moreover, group members’ unwanted or out-of-the topic discussions seem irrelevant and disturbing, especially when you’re busy at work.
Similarly, as a member, you may not find a WhatsApp group useful anymore. Even sometimes, people add you to their group without permission in which you’re not interested at all.
So are you stuck in such groups? Let’s know how to delete WhatsApp group permanently.
How to Delete WhatsApp Group?
As already said, without leaving a WhatsApp group, you can’t delete it. But when you suddenly leave, the app will post a message in the group saying you “left the conversation”. This may raise many questions and offenses.
So either you can disable the notification or clear the group chat if they are inappropriate. However, if you’ve decided to delete it completely, here’s an easy guide for you.
Delete WhatsApp Group As A Member
You can close a WhatsApp group permanently as an admin so that participants can’t interact or send messages. But if you’re just a member, you can only delete it from your own phone. The group remains available to other members.
Here how’s done it.
- Open WhatsApp on your device and select the group you wish to delete.
- Tap the top bar showing the group name.
- On the next screen, scroll down to find Exit Group. Click it. A pop-up message will appear asking for your confirmation, tap Exit.
- Or else, after selecting the group, click the three dots on the top right corner. Click More>Exit Group>Exit.
Once it’s done, you’ll be removed from the group as a member. You no longer can participate in the group conversation. However, it doesn’t mean you’ve deleted the group from the phone. It’s still in your CHAT tab.
Now, you can keep the group to read the chat history. Or else delete it completely by following the next steps.
- After exiting, you’ll get the delete option when you click the group’s top bar and move to the next screen. Or, tap and hold the group in the CHAT tab.
- Select Delete Group > Delete.
In case you want to keep the group media on your device, uncheck the box for Delete media in this chat or Delete media in these chats.
Now, as you’ve deleted the WhatsApp group, it also removes the group chat from your phone. However, other group members can still access the group and chat. They will receive a notification regarding your leave.
Delete WhatsApp Group As An Admin
Luckily as an admin, you can permanently delete the group for every member. Hence, no one can interact in the group. But, there is no direct way for you also to do that.
In order to delete the group, you’ve to exit it first like a member. Then you’ll get the delete option that eventually removes the group and chat from your device. Unfortunately, the group will still exist due to two reasons.
- If there are multiple admins, they’ve the admin rights to continue the group.
- If you’re the only admin, WhatsApp will randomly make another member an admin after your leave.
So, whats’ the way out? Here comes the interesting part. You’ve to remove each participant individually before exiting and deleting the group. Let’s learn how to delete WhatsApp group as an admin.
- Open the WhatsApp group on your device and tap the top bar.
- On the next screen, scroll down to view the group participants.
- Tap and hold each participant’s name to remove.
- On Android, select Remove {participant}>OK.
- On iOS, select Remove from Group > Remove.
- On desktop or web version, select Menu and the participant’s names. Then click Remove > REMOVE.
- Repeat step no. 3 until you remove all participants.
- Select Exit Group>Exit.
- Tap and hold the group from the CHAT bar in the app and select Delete Group>Delete.
This is how to delete WhatsApp group chat along with the entire group.
But keep in mind, you may lose the contacts by exiting or deleting the group. So, don’t forget to add them to your device contact to stay in touch.
Are There Other Tricks To Delete WhatsApp Group?
In the meantime, people often wonder if it’s possible to delete the WhatsApp group without an admin or leaving it. Let’s highlight this matter.
- Delete a WhatsApp group without an admin: If you’re looking for a way to delete a group permanently for you and other members without being an admin, unfortunately, that’s not possible. WhatsApp doesn’t allow any member to remove a group completely without the admin’s permission. You can only remove it from your own device.
- Delete a WhatsApp group without exiting: Further, there is no trick to delete a group without exiting it before. Because WhatsApp doesn’t have a delete button by default, you need to exit the group first. Then only you’ll get the delete option.
Can You Delete WhatsApp Group Messages?
Did anyone send a spam message to your group? As an admin, it’s your responsibility to maintain the purity of the group. So, how to delete WhatsApp group messages?
Sadly, it’s not possible yet. WhatsApp doesn’t permit an admin to delete messages. Hence, if someone says irrelevant or inappropriate in the group, you can’t remove it as an admin.
However, only the sender can delete the message using another interesting feature, “Delete for everyone”. Additionally, WhatsApp has provided the restrict group feature that gives admins more power and rights. Now they can control every member’s activity to prevent spam or any unnecessary message. By changing the group settings, you can customize the group where only admins can send messages and members can read them only.
Final Note
WhatsApp is all about connecting with friends globally. There is no better way than making a WhatsApp group for this purpose.
But there comes a time when the group needs to go away. Because sometimes the purpose of the group fades and you lost interest. Hence, when you’re fed up and don’t want to continue with the group or regret creating a group, delete it.
The steps mentioned above are pretty easy and quick. Whether you’re an admin or member, you can delete a WhatsApp group with a simple process. However, it’s possible to re-join the group if you’ve accidentally hit the exit button. You can request the admin or approach a friend to add you back.