To change administrator name on windows 10
1. Press “Windows key” and “R key” together to open the Run box.
2. Type: “netplwiz” in the command box.

3. Select the user you want to rename.

4. Click on “Properties”.
5. In the General tab type the name you want to put.

6. Click on “Apply” and “OK”.
Via Computer Management
In order to change administrator name on windows 10 via computer management follow these simple steps:
1. Type “Computer Management” in the taskbar search box and select it.

2. Expand the option “Local Users and Groups” by selecting the arrow next to it.
3. Click on “Users”.
4. Select “Administrator” and right-click on it.
5. Click “Rename” from the list.

6. Type the name you prefer and press enter to save the changes.
7. You need to click on “OK” once more on the User accounts panel.
Keep in mind; you need to be an administrator to change the name on Windows 10.
Via Command Prompt
If you want to change the administrator name via command prompt on windows 10 try follow these steps
1. Type “cmd” in the search box of the taskbar.

2. Click “Run as Administrator,” on the right side.
3. A dialogue box on the screen will ask “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to this device?” Select “Yes”.
4. The command prompt window will open. Type the below-mentioned command
wmic useraccount where name=’Administrator’ call rename name=’newAdministratorName’
Note: Put your preferred name on the “newAdministratorName” area.

5. Press enter key to save the changes.
6. To check if you have successfully changed the administrator name, go to the “Local Users and Groups” from the “Computer Management”.
Via PowerShell
You can change administrator name on windows 10 via PowerShell, here are the steps
- Type “PowerShell” in the search box of the taskbar.
- Click “Run as administrator”.
- Select “Yes” from the dialogue box which says “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to this device?”
- Next, you need to get the current administrator name by typing the command: “Get-LocalUser”.
- A list will appear containing all the local users of the particular PC or laptop. Also, note the name of the “Built-in account for administering the computer/domain”.
- Next, to rename the administrator name, type: “Rename-LocalUser -Name Administrator -NewName NewAdminName.”
- Put your desired name instead of “NewAdminName” while typing the command.
- Hit enter and the administrator name will get changed.
Via Group Policy
This might be a complicated process; however, changing the administrator name via group policy is helpful in those computes which are domain-joined.
Changing the administrator name via group policy requires first creating GPO, linking it to Active Directory Container and configuring the entire policy.
Once you are done with creating GPO and then linking it with Active Directory Container, follow the steps:
- Log in to the Domain Controller and open “Server Manager” by clicking on it.
- Find the option “ tool “ at the top-right corner of the next screen, find the option “tool,” and click on it.
- From the next menu, click on “Group Policy Management”.
- When the next window opens, find the GPO you have created and right-click on it.
- Once the menu appears, select “Edit”.
- In the Group Policy Management Editor, Select “Windows Settings” beneath “Computer Configuration”. From there, go to Security Settings and then Local Policies.
- Next, click on “Security Options”.
- The next step is to select Accounts: “Rename administrator account policy option”.
- Click on the box called “Define the Policy Setting”.
- Change the administrator name with a new name and click on “Apply” and “OK”.
- You will know if you have executed the process successfully when you see that the administrator name has changed from “not defined” to the new name.