Young startups often fall for common mistakes and fail to make it in the fierce market. That’s why it is important to understand how the market shapes the development of business and underlying ways to maintain it. Major key performance indicators for early-stage startups constantly evolve, shift, and change.
At the same time, identifying the most proper KPI a startup should be built around allows to achieve sturdy development life cycles where you set custom goals and growth directions. And knowledgeable young startups seem to have a good grasp on the practice of identifying and maintaining the major key metrics for startups, promising steady expansion and growth throughout 2023.
Prospects for startups in 2023
Despite all the global hardships experienced by most economies in the world, the new startup agenda doesn’t seem to slow down or shrink.

With numerous up-and-coming projects bringing in huge ROIs, the emergence of custom products across the advanced fields (like Biotech, Fintech, blockchain, AI, etc.), and the growing tendency of startups to seep into public sectors, entrepreneurial ambitions only expand, and respective investment opportunities await.
Let’s take a closer look at the most standing out prospects that 2023 holds for the startup sector otherwise.
Breaking into the public domain
Startups may continue to safely draw inspiration from the case of Stripe – a digital payment processing platform used by many government utilities that is most likely to public. As industries such as finance, medicine, and agriculture increasingly adopt advanced technologies, the emerging fields of Fintech, Biotech, and Agtech (among others) become more open to novel concepts and unique designs.
More focus on mergers and acquisitions
Entrepreneurs, corporations, and investment decision-makers find the ultimate solution to the fundraising market’s volatility in joining forces through mutually beneficial mergers and acquisitions. So the conceptual openness and focus on partnership opportunities turn into major startup KPIs to look out for in 2023. The overwhelming interest of market players to boost the capital expensiveness doesn’t cease, and the most deep-pocketed buyers will be lurking right in the places where startup valuations drop.
Fintech and Biotech grow hotter
We expect to see some enormous investment horizons in the Fintech sector, especially among B2B payments and business service providers. It seems like no crypto crash can stop the market from gaining momentum. On the other hand, there is an ever-relevant field of Biotech where startups a) contribute to the scientific progress and save lives, and b) can start making profits early on by, e.g., developing a pharmaceutical product and selling its concept long before it is implemented in real-life.
Next-gen communication
Attention to user feedback and direct communication with target audiences of customers are to be the most valuable startup KPI throughout 2023. But the nature of all the communications and interactions should lean more toward the hot profitable segments of younger generations. With this in mind, positioning a product like a “YouTube for Gen X” may not be such a bad idea by a long shot.
Preparing for startup opportunities in 2023
With all of that startup market agenda for 2023, you should timely get ready to grab the emerging opportunities by setting sights on the right trends and maintaining the most relevant metrics for startups.
Purely technically speaking, these should be the main startup KPIs to focus on:
- Revenue and expenses – cash flow
- Customer acquisition cost
- Rates of customer satisfaction and loyalty
- Operational productivity and performance
We can currently see a significant inflow of newcomers across commercial and hi-tech startup areas. It is crucial to keep your enterprise customer-centric and business-minded enough to make it, and keeping the above startup KPIs in check should help you do the trick. Otherwise, stay in line with the tendencies and keep tuned for updates.