Take a lexicon and look for the meaning of Android, and it means human who resembles automation. Well, Google is successful in creating comprehensive software and mobile applications to utilize the full potential of a portable device. The comprehensive software of Android includes operating system, key application and middleware. In the last fifteen years, the operating system has gone under a revolution. Android, the operating system is one among the different remarkable creation of Google. It is now one of the most popular operating systems. Since its introduction, there have been many up-gradations of the original version. At present, this operating system supports a host of Smartphone.
An open platform
Every day Android users across the globe opt for various forms of digital contents as games and applications for their portable devices. Android is a universal platform for games and applications. With the increase in the use of the Android-based phones, there has also been a rise in the use of the Android-based applications. As the name suggests these applications, work only one the Android platform. These applications are designed for only tablets and Smartphone. You can avail these application both the paid and free ones from the online Android stores.
Develop your applications
These applications are written with the Java programming language and use the core libraries of Java. Developers can utilize different tools that are required to create superior quality applications. The operating system depends on Linux version for the systems as memory management, security, network stack, driver model and process management. For the development of the software, Android Software Development Kit is used. The Android applications are made of more than one application components. Each of these components had individual roles and activated individually. Different files in the application need to declare the requirement of their different components. Application resources as layout files, strings and images need to include alternatives so that they function as per the need of the different devices.

Different categories of applications
In the android store, you can spot a wide number of applications, and these applications can be categorized as per their function and help it caters to users worldwide. Few of these are termed as organizers, and these include the calculators, convertors and calendars. These applications also help in effective time management. You can also opt for the applications that help in the office works. These applications also help in editing documents on the go. With the help of these applications, you can manage a milieu of work with the help of your Android phone.
Applications for different purposes
Depending on your need you can opt for an application from a wide array available. Another category of application in vogue is the video apps, photo apps and audio apps. There are apps that help in proper management of audio files. With the help of few of the apps, you can even share files between two Android devices. It is essential for the Android to have in store a wide number of applications that will help them to navigate seamlessly in their daily life. Whether you are on the go or stationed in a particular location, this application will be of immense help to you.
Image credits to : Quinn Dombrowski