Naturally, there are many advantages of having a database management system for your business, some more obvious than others. Data needs to be stored for a number of purposes. In a business setting, the data can include large amounts of important, and sometimes, confidential information. Many business owners have decided to move away from the traditional file system. This article will cover some of the major benefits of having a Database Management System.
Data Security
Security and protecting sensitive information should be the upmost priority of any company. Files could contain anything from personal contact information to credit card numbers.They can even hold the business’s financial account details. This is why it is imperative to have a system in place to protect this delicate info. Only a select number of people should have access to the files. A database management system does just this. Restricting unauthorized access helps to deter unscrupulous employees. It will also deter hackers,
making their ability to enter the database virtually impossible. This done by use of individual usernames and unique passwords.

Easily Shared Data
The use of a database management system allows data to be shared among several applications and multiple users seamlessly. Authorized users each have their personal level of access.These levels are determined by their positions within the organization. Appropriate data management systems aid in gaining better access to data and better control of the data. In turn, more suitable access helps the end users share the data quickly and efficiently throughout the organization.
Comprehensive Data Integration
When data management is effective, it boosts an integrated portrait of an organization’s activities. It is then easy to visualize how operations in one part of the organization affects other parts of the organization. Thus, effective integration of data is achieved through the use of data management solutions.
Minimal Data Inconsistency
A DBMS controls repetitive data which results in relative consistent data. Data consistencyamounts to, once data is updated in one file, remaining files will not need to be updated again. This saves an amazing amount of space. Info is stored in a single location, so data becomes more standard when compared to the outdatedprocessing system. Another plus, updated information is accessible by users instantly.Data inconsistency happens when different versions of data exist in various places. Developers and designers of the databases often use data normalization to minimize data redundancy. By using a reliable management system and quality management tools, the issue of data inconsistency is reduced.
Since the programs and data are independent, programs do not have to be adjusted when certain types of irrelevant data are added to or removed from the database. This is also true when physical storage is revised.
Backup and Recovery
Loss of data is a huge concern for all businesses. Withan original file processing system, users need to back up the files after a block of time. This is a waste oftime and precious resources. Where there is a great amount of data involved, this process may take quite a bit of time.
A database management systemresolves this problem by allowing automatic backup and recovery. For example, if a system happens to fail during processing, your DBMS stores that moment where the database was before the execution.
Data is Rarely Lost
Thanks to the high levelof security constraints made on the database, chances of data loss are minimal. It is so rare that you could speculate information that comes up missing was removed on purpose. One can safely store their precious data for many years in a database management system without fear of losing any information.
Increased Productivity and Quick Decision Making
When a DBMS is in use complex requests can be handled much quicker than if the data were stored in separate, non-integrated files. Using the best quality tools and database management systems, insures that the productivity of the end user increases. With thissystem,the users have the ability to make quick and informed decisions. Certain keywords can be entered and all the relevant information will appear on the screen immediately.
When data is correctly managed and access improves, quality information is generated. The right database managing system helps to provide the framework to facilitate quality data initiatives. In return, this quality information will generate better results.This can contribute to the success or failure of a company over time.
Data Independence
The isolation of the database framework apart from the application program that uses the data is called data independence. In a database management system, you can easily rearrange the structure of database.This can be done without modifying the application program.
Putting a database management system into place can be very beneficial to a business. It is capable of housing a wealth of information in a central location. This system will efficiently organize data, while allowing users to manage tasks easily. Data is entered into the system and accessed routinely by authorized users. Information can be categorized and structured to suit the needs of any company or organization. If you’re considering taking the leap from the traditional file system, we urge you to just do it!
Reliable database software and database management tools, coupled with APIs that are used externally with other programming languages facilitate simple and predictable management of data in a database. Someone else has already done the hard work, you just have to incorporate it.
Picture Credit Blue Coat Photos