As the fourth quarter of 2017 quickly approaches, it is evident that there are several trends that have been shaping the social media landscape this year – and continue to do so. For businesses and individuals understanding these trends could make a world of difference, especially in terms of their potential to improve both reach and engagement.
While there are numerous trends that have surfaced on social media in 2017, the six that have are shaping it the most are:
Live video
Towards the latter part of last year live video was already starting to emerge as a trend that was worth paying attention to as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all began to support it. Throughout 2017 its popularity has grown by leaps and bounds with businesses reporting greater reach and higher engagement levels when utilizing live videos. Despite the fact that live video is already immensely popular, it still has room for growth and as brands start to fully leverage its interactive nature it is likely to become even more advantageous.

Temporary or ephemeral content
Undoubtedly one of the big surprises last year was Snapchat’s meteoric rise on the back of their temporary or ephemeral content (that expires after a certain duration). On the heels of that success, it should come as no surprise that other social media platforms have started to support similar types of temporary content. The support for both permanent and temporary content seems to be working well for many social media platforms, as it allows users the best of both worlds.
One of the early adoptions of artificial intelligence into the social media landscape is definitely the introduction of chatbots. Essentially these bots let businesses communicate more quickly with their customers to respond to questions posed to them via social media promptly. Considering more and more people are turning to social media for customer support, the usage of chatbots is only likely to grow in time.
Influencer marketing
Although influencer marketing has been around for some time, it really started to become far more widely-used over the course of this year. Aside from more and more marketers making use of influencer marketing, big businesses, brands and even Fortune 500 companies have begun to take advantage of it too. That being said influencer marketing has also been put under the spotlight due to how frequently it is used and other incidents such as the disastrous Fyre Festival. In short, while it is definitely a trend, it is one that has been subject to mixed reactions this year.
Social messaging
The popularity of social messaging platforms such as Whatsapp, WeChat, and Facebook Messenger has grown steadily over the years. However for the most part these platforms were overlooked in favor of the more well-established social media networks. That all changed this year however as brands have started to realize just how many people utilize social messaging, and have started to use them for marketing as well as to provide customer support.
Blurring lines between social media and the internet
One trend that has come sharply into focus this year is the blurring of the lines between social media and the rest of the internet. Because of how deep the penetration of social media is, and how many people frequently access the internet for the sole purpose of checking social media – its influence on the content that people see is growing. If this trend continues, social media may even begin to usurp the role of more traditional search engines – though it is unlikely to supplant them completely.
Keep in mind that while these trends have shaped and very much defined the lay of the land for social media in 2017 – they are far from the only ones. Other trends still very much have a part to play, such as the traditional use of videos across social media platforms.
In short as much as leveraging these trends can help attract more attention and foster interest on social media, the core content that you utilize still is just as important – or more so. One way to create videos to shore up your social media content is by using Movavi Screen Capture for Mac.
With Movavi Screen Capture for Mac you can record videos from your screen, which is useful when creating how-to guides, interviews, or showcase videos. Not only will it make it easy for you to video capture on Mac, but it will let you fully control the recording parameters including the audio source, capture area, frame rate, sound levels, and so on.
All in all you should have no problem creating polished and professional-looking content for social media with Movavi Screen Capture for Mac. Couple that with the trends listed above, and you should be able to truly tap into the potential it has to offer.